Thursday, June 3, 2010

Demo Reel Finished Product.

Well here it is. Here's the finished (mostly) product of my graduation demo reel. I still plan to work more, add more details to the textures and up the polys on the models. There are a few issues with rendering that I would like to fix and some shader fixes as well, but for the most part I am pretty happy with it. Hope that you all enjoy it too!

Nicole Nagata Demo Reel 2010 from Nicole Nagata on Vimeo.

Monday, March 15, 2010

More School Updates

Here;s a few more, but this time renders.  It's just color maps right now.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Updates - School

Here's a few more renders or different parts of my school with some lighting (may change). Level's need to be adjusted. Right now it's just textures, no AO maps, spec, etc.....

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Stairwell - Abandoned School

So, here's my progress working on my school for my reel. The school consists of an outside portion, travels through a locker filled hallway, enters the boys bathroom and proceeds to the stairway and finally a classroom.
At this moment I'm working on the stairwell.
Here's renders of my progress so far....